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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

This Retirement Saving Mistake Could Cost You $43,000 (@RosatoDonna @MONEY)

Nearly 98% of employers with a 401(k) offer to match, sometimes dollar for dollar, your contributions towards it, usually up to 6% of your salary. If you're not contributing all the way to the limit, your letting free money slip away.

Full article at Money Magazine

"Whatever the match level, it’s free money. And one in four workers miss out on getting the full amount because they’re not saving enough, according to a new research report by Financial Engines, which provides financial advisory services to 401(k) plans.
For the average worker, that means forgoing $1,336 a year or an extra 2.4% of annual income, assuming a dollar for dollar match. Over time with compounding, you could be missing out on as much as $42,855 over 20 years. All told, U.S. workers are passing up about $24 billion a year in matching contributions, according to Financial Engines."

Image result for 401 k

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