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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

5 Ways to Protect Your Money Without a Prenup (@MONEY @CreditExperts)

If you never signed a prenuptial agreement with your spouse, or there is currently reluctance to do so before your marriage, you may be putting your money at risk. Luckily, Rebecca Zung, a preeminent divorce and family law attorney, has some advice on how to protect what's yours, even without a prenuptial agreement:

Full article at Money Magazine

"Prenuptial agreements can be a great tool for protecting assets for married couples who ultimately end up divorcing. But what happens when you don’t have a prenup? Or if you wanted one but your spouse refused to sign and you decided it wasn’t worth the aggravation? Can you still protect your assets? The answer, as is so often the case in law, is that it depends. Certain assets can absolutely be protected. Others not so much. Here is the list of ways you can protect (at least some of) your money and assets without a prenup."

Image result for prenuptial agreement

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