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Monday, March 2, 2015

Walmart's Visible Hand (@NYTimeskrugman @nytimes)

In his op-ed in the New York Times, columnist Paul Krugman explores the potential effects, as well as the implications, of Walmart's decision to raise wages for roughly 500,000 employees.

Full article at The New York Times

"A few days ago Walmart, America’s largest employer, announced that it will raise wages for half a million workers. For many of those workers the gains will be small, but the announcement is nonetheless a very big deal, for two reasons. First, there will be spillovers: Walmart is so big that its action will probably lead to raises for millions of workers employed by other companies. Second, and arguably far more important, is what Walmart’s move tells us — namely, that low wages are a political choice, and we can and should choose differently"

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