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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Here's the surprisingly conservative budget of a 26-year-old who earns over $200,000 a year (@libbykane @businessinsider)

Libby Kane spotlights how a young man in the consulting business is managing to save roughly two-thirds of his income so that he can retire with $5 million in the bank at the age of 45.

Full article at Business Insider

"He says he and his wife closely monitor their costs, with the aim of saving half their income. In fact, when taking into account their company stock, retirement accounts, and other investments, they manage to save about 67% of their income."

'"The budget matches the lifestyle, which ultimately matches what my wife and I dream of: to retire early and travel," Jacobs says. "If you understand the full picture, the budget makes a lot of sense. It's not just what's your end-of-year goal, but what about five, 10, or 15 years?"'

jacobs budget

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